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Green Contest
Open European School Contest

The SKILLBILL project is pleased to announce the Green Contest.

The Green Contest is an open European school contest whose main goal is to promote student awareness about Renewable Energy Sources (RES) and the gender gap in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) areas and green economy.

Main purposes of the competition

Raise student awareness on the challenges and opportunities related to RES.
Promote gender equality in STEM careers and green economy.
Encourage creativity and innovation among students.
Foster debate and reflection on issues of great social and environmental relevance.
Support educational experiences by promoting comparisons between various types of productions that, through creative languages, raise consciousness, share knowledge and launch proposals.

Contest themes and mode of participation


Green Contest takes place in the academic year 2024/2025. It provides Two distinct categories:

  1. Students under the age of 14;
  2. Students over the age of 14 (still high school students).

Students can participate individually or in small groups (maximum 4 students per group).


Contributions developed by participants must creatively and effectively address one or both the following themes:

  1. Renewable Energy Sources: Projects, ideas or research on how renewable energy can be used to create a sustainable future.
  2. Gender gap in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) areas and green economy: Analysis, proposals or testimonies to bridge and overcome the gender gap.

Contributions may communicate experiences, observations, initiatives, proposals accumulated in the school or inspired by everyday life, addressing the school community or the local community, enhancing public understanding and engagement with these critical themes.

Characteristics of contributions

Eligible contributions must address one or both of the above-mentioned themes. The contributions that are considered and evaluated in the Green Contest are:

  • Video up to 4 minutes;
  • Essay up to 5 pages;
  • Comic strip;
  • 3D Plastic;
  • Podcast up to 4 minutes;
  • Photograph or set of photos (up to 5).

Each contribution can be submitted along with a brief description (title and maximum 1500 characters).

They can be individual or group contributions (maximum 4 students per group).

All contributions must be in English. Of course, contributions with no words can be submitted if self-explanatory. The maximum size for each contribution is 1 gigabyte (1 GB). It is recommended to use digital formats that can be opened by any user on any commonly used device without any registration and without having to download specific programs or applications.

Privacy and copyright

The use of material without documented certainty of free and authorized usage is strictly prohibited. The processing of personal data, participants information, and materials submitted to the Green Contest is subject to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The information and material provided by participants will be used only for the purposes of the SKILLBILL project.

All participants’ rights with their limitations and conditions, all entities that have access to data, and all other details regarding the processing of data are specified in the Informed consent form you can download below.

It must be mandatorily completed, signed, and uploaded when signing up for the contest by all participants.

Submission method and deadline for contributions

Each participant/group can upload the contribution by clicking on the icon below

by February 28, 2025

All other information, specifications and details regarding the Green Contest and its organization are specified in the Terms of Reference (ToR) – downloadable by clicking the icon below – which must be read carefully when signing up for the contest.

Winners and prizes

The SKILLBILL committee, coordinated by AzzeroCO2 and composed of environmental experts and project partners, selects the best 5 contributions in each category. They enter the final stage and are uploaded to the Green Portal. In the final stage, the 10 selected contents (5 in each category) can be voted on the Green Portal through the “like” button and will be evaluated by the SKILLBILL committee. At the end of this final stage, for each category the contribution that has the highest score is declared the winner. The method of content evaluation and scoring is specified in detail in the Terms of Reference (ToR). Award method will be communicated to interested parties via email.


The Green Contest designates one winner in each category.

The First classified of each category is awarded with:

> A reward equivalent to 1500 € if the winner is an individual participant;

> A reward equivalent to 2000 € if the winner is a group.

The student/Groups ranked from second to fifth in each category is/are awarded with:

> A reward equivalent to 400 €

Contact Point

Any inquiries and concerns about any aspect of your experience in the Green Contest can be addressed to AzzeroCO2, who oversees the set-up and manages the Green Contest. The contact details of the responsible person are provided below:

Organisation: AzzeroCO2
Contact person: Enrico Giovanni Facci
Email: /

Join us in large numbers and unleash your creativity and passion to contribute to a sustainable and equitable future!

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